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PFAS Playbook

PFAS Playbook

Posts in Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In an August 5th letter to the food packaging industry, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a reminder to manufacturers, distributors, and users of fluorinated polyethene food packaging of the limitations of fluorinated polyethylene containers that are authorized for food contact use. The FDA also reminded the food packaging industry that the manufacturing of such packaging must be made under specific conditions and in compliance with existing FDA regulations.

The FDA’s letter comes in the wake of recent testing performed by the Environmental Protection ...

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For the first time ever, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently posted information about PFAS being present in personal care products such as lotions, nail polish, shaving cream, foundation and mascara. There is even some concern about PFAS contained in dental floss. While this is really not a new phenomenon – as a 2018 study conducted by the Environmental Working Group found that a number of beauty and skin care products contain Teflon – what is new is that the FDA is now taking steps to address it. Click here to read our recent client alert that discusses the research and ...

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About this Blog

Lathrop GPM has deep experience developing regulatory strategy and defending litigation in the area of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and we have been involved in some of the nation’s most-publicized cases. The PFAS Playbook blog is dedicated to helping readers stay up to date and understand the latest regulatory updates on PFAS. 



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